Get a FREE Guide To Getting Started with Handwriting
Many of us have stared at an old handwritten document and wondered, “What does that say? It looks like a bunch of squiggles to me!” The problem seems obvious: the handwriting is faded, and the groups of letters don’t resemble words. Do not despair. With a few simple techniques, deciphering old handwriting is something you can do. Download our free guide to learn those techniques.

American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) is America’s founding genealogical organization and the most respected name in family history. Established in 1845, We are the nation’s leading comprehensive resource for family history research and the largest Society of its kind in the world. We provide expert family history services through our staff, original scholarship, data-rich website, educational opportunities, and research center to help family historians of all levels explore their past and understand their families’ unique place in history.
We are a member-based nonprofit corporation dedicated to advancing the study of family history in America and beyond, by educating, inspiring, and connecting people through our scholarship, collections, and expertise.